99th EGPRN Meeting


All times listed are in UTC. Current time is 00:20. Seeing an incorrect time?


Workshop 1: Writing for Publication – Meet the Editors for Tips and Tricks!

Location: Room 6

Registration is required.
09:00 - 12:30

Ends at 10:30


Workshop 2: The Principles of Qualitative Research

Location: Room 1

Registration is required.
09:30 - 12:30

Ends at 10:30

Workshop 3: How to read a paper: critical appraisal skills for randomised controlled trials papers

Location: Room 0

Registration is required.
09:30 - 12:00

Ends at 10:30

EGPRN Executive Board Meeting

Location: Three Corners Lifestyle Hotel

Only for Members of the Executive Board
09:30 - 13:00



Price is not included in the conference fee. You may purchase lunch at restaurants close to the venue. 

Ends at 12:00


Workshop 4: Balint Group – a method for improving doctors’ mental health

Location: Room 0

Registration is required.
13:30 - 16:00

Ends at 14:00


EGPRN Council Meeting

Location: Room 1

Only for EGPRN Executive Board and EGPRN Council members.
14:00 - 17:00


EGPRN Committee Meetings and Working Groups

17:00 - 18:00

  • Research Strategy Committee - Room  1
  • Educational Committee - Room 0
  • PR & Communication Committee - Room  6


Welcome Reception and Opening Cocktail

Location: Ground Floor

Ends at 17:30



Location: Ground Floor


Opening of the Meeting by EGPRN Chairperson

Location: Szent-Gyorgyi (A) Lecture Hall

  • Dr. Tiny Van Merode (Speaker)
    EGPRN Chair, Maastricht University, General Practice


Welcome by Local Host

Location: Szent-Gyorgyi (A) Lecture Hall

  • Prof. Peter Torzsa (Speaker)
    Semmelweis Egyetem, Department of Family Medicine


International Keynote Lecture

Location: Szent-Gyorgyi (A) Lecture Hall

  • Dr. Tiny Van Merode (Chair)
    EGPRN Chair, Maastricht University, General Practice

  • Mental health promotion begins at birth – or earlier
  • Professor Philip Wilson (International Keynote Speaker)
    Department of General Practice, University of Copenhagen


EGPRN 50th Anniversary Celebration Session with Former EGPRN Chairs

Location: Szent-Gyorgyi (A) Lecture Hall

  • Dr. Tiny Van Merode (Chair)
    EGPRN Chair, Maastricht University, General Practice

  • Professor Emeritus Dag Bruusgaard (Speaker)
    EGPRN Former Chair (1984-1989), The University of Oslo

  • Dr. Michael Köhle (Speaker)
    EGPRN Former Chair (1989 -1991)

  • Dr. Juan J. Gérvas (Speaker)
    EGPRN Former Chair (1991-1995)

  • Emeritus Prof Jan-Joost Rethans (Speaker)
    EGPRN Former Chair (1998 -2004), Maastricht University


Blue Dot Coffee Break

Location: Room 1

For the first time attenders.

Coffee Break

Location: Main Hall

For the regular attenders.


Parallel Session A - Theme Papers: Mental Health of General Practitioners

Location: Szent-Gyorgyi (A) Lecture Hall

  • Prof. Torunn Bjerve Eide (Chair)
    The Norwegian Medical Association

  • Burnout syndrome and risk factors in trainees and fully qualified GPs: an observational study
  • Dr. Lorenzo Rizzotto

  • Exploring Self-Care: Cross-Sectional Study on GPs' Mental Health Maintenance amid the Pandemic
  • Ms. Ivana Keenan
    Irish College of General Practitioners

  • Supporting the Mental Health of the Primary Care Workforce
  • Dr. Heather L Rogers
    BioBizkaia Health Research Institute

Parallel Session B - Freestanding Papers: Patient Centred Care

Location: Hevesy (B) Lecture Hall

  • Prof. Dr. Lieve Peremans (Chair)
    University of Antwerp, Primary and Interdisciplinary Care

  • Medical decision-making challenges among ethnic minority populations in Belgium: a focus group study
  • Dr. Flore Vermijs
    University of Antwerp

  • The evolution of the doctor-patient relationship after the introduction of a medical assistant in...
  • Ms. Laura Blake
    Faculté de médecine de Lyon

  • Understanding access challenges in primary healthcare: A comprehensive view from healthcare provi...
  • Ms. Emilie Op de Beeck


Research Café

Location: Room 1

Do you have any questions about research that you are doing or would like to do?
Ask the EGPRN’s experts at the lunchtime “Research Café”! 
Take your lunch with you.


Location: Main Hall


Parallel Session C - Theme Papers: Depression

Location: Szent-Gyorgyi (A) Lecture Hall

  • Prof. Jako Burgers (Chair)
    Dutch College of General Practitioners

  • CAse-fInding foR depressiOn in primary care (CAIRO)
  • Ms. Sarah A Lawton
    Keele University

  • Piloting an intervention (checklist) to facilitate deprescribing antidepressants in general practice
  • Prof. Jochen Vukas
    Institute of General Practice and Family Medicine, University Hospital, LMU Munich

  • Strategies of German general practitioners in dealing with depressive disorders in primary care p...
  • Ms. Laura Hofner
    Department of General Practice

Parallel Session D - Freestanding Papers: Special Methodology Session

Location: Hevesy (B) Lecture Hall

  • Prof. Paul Van Royen (Chair)
    EGPRN Former Chair (2004-2010), Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Primary and Interdiscipl...

  • A Multidisciplinary Education Intervention to Increase Family Physicians' Knowledge and Self-Effi...
  • Dr. İrem Gelgeç
    Marmara university

  • Association between affective temperaments and the severity and the extent of coronary artery dis...
  • Ms. Barbara Sipos
    Semmelweis University

  • Gender differences in responses to the Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25, a scale to assess depression...
  • Prof. Maria Rodriguez Barragan
    Catalan Health Institute


Coffee Break

Location: Main Hall


Parallel Session E: One Slide Five Minute Presentations

Location: Szent-Gyorgyi (A) Lecture Hall

  • Dr. Ferdinando Petrazzuoli (Chair)
    Centre for Primary Health Care Research, Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, Malmö...

  • Prof. Mehmet Ungan (Chair)
    EGPRN Former Chair (2012-2013, 2016-2019), Ankara University School of Medicine

  • Prof. Shlomo Vinker (Chair)
    Leumit Health Services, Family Meidcine

  • Digital health training needs in primary care
  • Dr. Ana Luisa Neves
    Center for Health Technology and Services Research, University of Porto

  • Evaluating knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and practices of breast and cervical cancer screening a...
  • Dr. Nataliia Ponzel
    Uzhhorod National University

  • Evaluation of the Effect of Home Exercises and Posture Corrector Use on Scapula Height and Functi...
  • Dr. Basar Basci
    Dokuz Eylul University School of Medicine

  • Knowledge and attitudes regarding palliative care in Croatia - assessing primary healthcare profe...
  • Dr. Ema Slapnicar

  • Performance evaluation in primary care: pilot survey in Hungary and proposal for a European survey
  • Dr. Csaba Móczár
    Semmelweis University

  • Presence and Importance of Family Medicine Education in European Medical Schools:
  • Mrs Magallon Botaya
    Arrabl Health Center

  • Presenteeism Among General Practitioners – A Study Proposal
  • Ms. Lisa Voggenberger
    Johannes Kepler University Linz

  • Primary Healthcare Physicians' Work Pressure and Turnover Intent Before, During, and After the CO...
  • Dr. Katica Tripković
    Institute of Public Health Belgrade

  • The Use of Food Supplements in the Post-Covid Stress Alleviation
  • Dr. Cristina Ciobanu
    State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu”

Parallel Session F - Theme Papers: Work Related Stress

Location: Hevesy (B) Lecture Hall

  • Prof. Pavlo Kolesnyk (Chair)
    Uzhgorod National University, Medical Faculty #2, Family medicine and outpatient care department

  • Effects of adding early cooperation and a work-place dialogue meeting to primary care management ...
  • Dr. Ausra Saxvik

  • Who wants to quit their job? – A survey among Swiss Internal Medicine physicians.
  • Dr. Jeanne Moor
    University Hospital of Bern

  • Work-Related Stress and Patient-Centered Care Among European GPs: Insights from the PACE GP/FP St...
  • Prof. Goranka Petricek
    University of Zagreb School of Medicine


Summary of the day
  • Professor Philip Wilson (International Keynote Speaker)
    Department of General Practice, University of Copenhagen


End of the conference day


EGPRN Collaborative Study Group Meeting: TRANSiTION

Ends at 16:45

EGPRN Collaborative Study Group Meeting:Örenas

Ends at 16:45

EGPRN Collaborative Study Group Meeting:PHC-Eurodata-Covid19

Ends at 16:45


Practice Visits in Budapest

Online pre-registration required, space is limited. The groups will leave from the conference venue. Please click here for more information. 

Ends at 18:00


National Keynote Lecture

Location: Szent-Gyorgyi (A) Lecture Hall

  • Prof. Peter Torzsa (Chair)
    Semmelweis Egyetem, Department of Family Medicine

  • Low-intensity Psychological Interventions in Primary Care
  • Prof. György Purebl (National Keynote Speaker)
    Head of Institute of Behavioural Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Semmelweis University


EGPRN 50th Anniversary Celebration Session with Former EGPRN Chairs

Location: Szent-Gyorgyi (A) Lecture Hall

  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Frese (Chair)
    EGPRN Vice Chair, Institute of General Practice and Family Medicine

  • Prof. Paul Van Royen (Speaker)
    EGPRN Former Chair (2004-2010), Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Primary and Interdiscipl...

  • Prof. Eva Hummers (Speaker)
    EGPRN Former Chair (2010-2012), University Medical Center Göttingen

  • Dr Jean Karl Soler (Speaker)
    EGPRN Former Chair (2013-2016), MIPC

  • Prof. Mehmet Ungan (Speaker)
    EGPRN Former Chair (2012-2013, 2016-2019), Ankara University School of Medicine

  • Prof. Davorina Petek (Speaker)
    EGPRN Former Chair (2019-2022), Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana


Coffee Break

Location: Main Hall


Poster Session 1: Mental Health

Location: Main Hall

  • Md, Phd Negar Pourbordbari (Chair)
    Clinical medicine, University of Aalborg

  • Antidepressant effect on cardiovascular risk and weight in geriatric population: a retrospective...
  • Dr. Joana Carneiro de Moura
    USF Freamunde

  • Assessing Prevalence of Depressive Symptoms and Its Association with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in ...
  • Dr. Eda Yaldirak
    Acibadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar University

  • Comorbidity clusters and mental health
  • Matea Matić Ličanin
    Faculty of Medicine Osijek

  • Integrating Mental Health Services in Primary Health Care: Insights from the Sughd Oblast Pilot, ...
  • Dr. Malika Khakimova
    World Health Organization

  • Measeurement of the effect of mental health interventions in primary prevention
  • Dr. Csaba Móczár
    Semmelweis University

  • Social stigma of individuals with multiple sclerosis and the management of psychological distress...
  • Prof. Eleni Jelastopulu
    University of Patras, School of Medicine

Poster Session 2: Mental Health

Location: Main Hall

  • Dr. Heather L Rogers (Chair)
    BioBizkaia Health Research Institute

  • "VoluntariaMente" - The Impact of the Individual Social Role on the Improvement of Mental Health
  • Dr. Ana Gonçalves
    Pista Mágica - Associação

  • Analysis of the Loneliness Perception of Young Students in Aragón, Spain
  • Prof. Fátima Méndez-López
    Fundación Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Aragón

  • Lifestyle and Behavioural Changes In Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic Are Associated Wit...
  • Dr. János Zsuffa
    Semmelweis Univesity

  • Mental health and associated factors in young adults from two peripheral neighborhoods of Barcelo...
  • Ms. Dúnia Bel Verge
    USR - Barcelona ICS

  • Physician Burnout in Primary Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study in Portugal
  • Prof. Sofia Baptista
    Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto

  • Prevalence of Clinical Depression Among Medical Students at Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine
  • Dr. Oksana Ilkov
    Uzhhorod national university

Poster Session 3: Theraphy

Location: Main Hall

  • Prof. Hilde Bastiaens (Chair)
    Faculty of Medicine, Primary and Interdisciplinary Care

  • Adherence to inhalers in COPD patients
  • Dr. Michal Shani
    Clalit Health Service, Family Medicine

  • Deprescribing Levothyroxine in Subclinical Hypothyroidism: Which Barriers and Enablers Do GPs Ide...
  • Prof. Annika Rettich
    TUD Dresden University of Technology

  • Development of a strategy for deprescribing levothyroxin (LTX) accepted by patients with subclini...
  • Dr. Melanie Rennert
    Institut of General Medicine

  • Evaluation of the Ingredients of Protein Bars from the Perspective of Family Medicine
  • Dr. Canan Tuz
    Bursa Uludağ University

  • Patients experience of a study of light therapy in the treatment of chronic insomnia in general ...
  • Jc Juliette Chambe
    Faculté de médecine de Strasbourg, General practice

  • ´I am confident … until patient X presents´ – a qualitative meta-synthesis to understand primary ...
  • Ms. Henrike Kleuser
    Uniklinikum Würzburg

Poster Session 4: Risk Factors and Calculation in a Primary Care Population

Location: Main Hall

  • Prof. Ana Clavería (Chair)
    Fundación Pública Galega de Investigación Biomédica Galicia Sur

  • Age and Low Heel Bone Mineral Density predicted Hip and Pelvic fracture-risk in 245 women aged 72...
  • Nils Larsson
    Linköping University

  • Differences between SCORE, Framingham Risk Score, and Estimated Pulse Wave Velocity-Based Vascula...
  • Dr. Helga Gyöngyösi

  • Plaque assessment as a potential cardiovascular risk modifier in primary care: A pilot study
  • Ms. Zsófia Lilla Somoskői

  • Pre-screening of high-risk patients for osteoporosis in primary healthcare
  • Dr. Zoltán Lakó-Futó
    Semmelweis University, Budapest

  • Risk factors for poor prognosis in outpatients with urinary tract infection: a systematic review ...
  • Dr. Peter Kurotschka

  • Underreporting of mortality related to fractures as compared to dementia in 641 women 75-105 year...
  • Prof. Hans Thulesius
    R&D Kronoberg, Clinical Sciences

Poster Session 5: Supporting GPs in Practice

Location: Main Hall

  • Prof. Jean Yves Le Reste (Chair)
    Université de Bretagne Occidentale Faculté de Médecine Department of General Practice Research Te...

  • General practitioners' approach to young women's sexual health
  • Mp Maxime Pautrat
    maison de santé pluridisciplinaire, médecine générale

  • Level of knowledge of the new Spanish law on euthanasia among healthcare professionals and students
  • Dr. Eva Peguero

  • Patient centered deprescirbing in older adults by general practitioners
  • Dr. Tom Vermeulen
    University of Antwerp

  • Talking about motivational interviewing : how do GPs use it in daily practice
  • Dr. Paul Aujoulat
    Universite de Bretagne Occidentale

  • The Health Care Worker Well-being Survey (WBS): An Assessment of the Impact of Well-being and Cli...
  • Ms. Surayo Pulatova
    Abt Global in Tajikistan/Tajik Medical Institute.

  • Training experience: Suicide prevention scape room for primary health care workers
  • Ms. Mª Guadalupe Fontanet Redó
    Raval Nord Primary Health Team. Insitut Català de la Salut. Barcelona.

Poster Session 6: Practice Organisation

Location: Main Hall

  • Prof. Imre Rurik (Chair)
    Semmelweis University

  • Do Primary Healthcare professionals agree on the Primary Care core values? Preliminary Data on a...
  • Dr. Ileana Gefaell

  • Are nurse-Led Patient consultations and nurse-led dose adjustments of permanent medication accept...
  • Dr. Solveig Weise

  • Can the GP practice location affect the uptake of colorectal cancer screening?
  • Dr. Jelena Danilenko
    Riga Stradiņš University

  • Exploring interprofessional collaboration in general practice: a survey among the general practit...
  • Dr. Kadri Suija
    Institute of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition, University of Eastern Finland

  • Patterns and Associated Factors in Health Service Utilization Among High School Students in Turkey
  • Dr. Cigdem Apaydin Kaya
    Marmara University, Family Medicine

  • Perspectives and Experiences of Healthcare Providers and Research Coordinators in Scientific Stud...
  • Ms. Sophie Van Hoof
    Universiteit Antwerpen

Poster Session 7: Telemedicine and Technical Applications

Location: Main Hall

  • Prof. Didem Kafadar (Chair)
    İstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa , Cerrahpaşa School of Medicine

  • A novel approach in telemedicine – bringing hybrid, contact- and telemedicine-based mobile health...
  • Dr. Ábel Perjés
    Semmelweis University

  • Empowering middle-aged patients with multimorbidity through virtual co-creation
  • Prof. Ana Isabel Gonzalez- Gonzalez
    Innovation & International Projects Unit, Dirección General Investigación, Docencia y Documentaci...

  • Empowering patients with diabetes by monitoring daily activities using a home activity monitoring...
  • Dr. Jesús González-Lama
    Maimonides Biomedical Research Institute of Cordoba (IMIBIC)

  • Opinions of Primary Care Physicians Working in Istanbul Province on Telehealth Applications
  • Prof. Pemra C. Unalan
    Marmara University, School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine

  • Teledermatology- the solution or the problem
  • Prof. Shlomo Vinker
    Leumit Health Services, Family Meidcine

  • Telemedical services in Hungary. Are we on a right way?
  • Dr. Mária Kucsera
    University of Szeged Szent-Györgyi Albert Medical School

Poster Session 8: Taking Care for Chronic Patients

Location: Main Hall

  • Dr. Krisztián Vörös (Chair)
    Semmelweis University Budapest

  • Benefits of Home-Based Services in Greece for the Homebound: Leveraging Insights and Perspectives...
  • Ms. Dimitra Iosifina Papageorgiou
    Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

  • Differences in resilience and coping styles among women with asthma, dyspepsia, and the control
  • Prof. Ljiljana Majnaric
    Faculty of Medicine in Osijek

  • Health-related quality of life of caregivers. A population-based study
  • Dr. Francisco Gude

  • Hospital-at-Home Costs and Outcomes: A Cohort Study
  • Dr Ilan Yehoshua
    Maccabi health services

  • Life span differences after hip fracture – a pilot case control study from primary care in rural...
  • Ms. Katarina Walseth Krøgenes

  • Understanding of Long (Post)-COVID Definitions Across Europe
  • Dr. Raquel Gomez Bravo
    Université du Luxembourg, Research Group Self-Regulation and Health Institute for Health and Beha...



Location: Main Hall


Parallel Session I: Web Based Research Course Presentations

Location: Room 1

  • Dr. Ferdinando Petrazzuoli (Chair)
    Centre for Primary Health Care Research, Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, Malmö...

  • Prof. Shlomo Vinker (Chair)
    Leumit Health Services, Family Meidcine

  • Prof. Mehmet Ungan (Chair)
    EGPRN Former Chair (2012-2013, 2016-2019), Ankara University School of Medicine

  • Analysing Turkish-Language Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Videos on YouTube: Assessing Content ...
  • Dr. Elif Ozeller
    Ankara University Faculty of Medicine

  • Assessment of a code-based method compared with a questionnaire-based method for Influenza-Like I...
  • Ms. Mélanie Nahimana

  • Chronic Care in Belgium: Crafting Effective Care Plans for Improved Patient Outcomes and Experiences
  • Ms. Dagmar Annaert

  • How digital screen education affects adolescents` physical and mental health? Cross-sectional res...
  • Dr. Mariyana Daskalova

  • Impact of a clinical communication skills course on communication and psychosocial competencies o...
  • Mr. Ander Portugal

  • The GP infection barometer: Protocol of a real-time syndromic surveillance of multiple infectious...
  • Prof. Nathalie Bossuyt
    Sciensano, Health Services Research - Primary Care

  • The influence of the albuminuria screening on the control of risk factors for diabetic kidney dis...
  • Dr. Marija Glavinić Mijić
    Primary Healthcare Center Zemun

Parallel Session G - Theme Papers: Mental Care with Adolescents

Location: Szent-Gyorgyi (A) Lecture Hall

  • Prof. Ana Clavería (Chair)
    Fundación Pública Galega de Investigación Biomédica Galicia Sur

  • General practitioner residents' mental health and satisfaction in relation to their professional ...
  • Dr. András Mohos
    University of Szeged, Albert Szent-Gyögyi Medical University

  • Is the Thoughts and Health programme feasible in the context of Swedish schools?
  • Dr Carl Wikberg
    Institute of MedicineSchool of Public Health and Community Medicine

  • Loneliness, problematic smartphone use and screen time among medical students in Germany
  • Mr. Lukas Liebig

  • The EARLY Study – "Evaluating, identifying, and reducing determinants of Mental Health Conditions...
  • Dr. Limor Adler
    Israel Association of Family Physicians

Parallel Session H: Freestanding Papers: Chronic Disease Management from Different Perspectives

Location: Hevesy (B) Lecture Hall

  • Prof. Radost Assenova (Chair)
    Medical University Plovdiv, General Practice

  • Changes in Hungarian family physicians’ knowledge and attitudes regarding sleep apnoea over the p...
  • Prof. Peter Torzsa
    Semmelweis Egyetem, Department of Family Medicine

  • Evaluating a Chronic Disease Management Programme in General Practice: A Comparative Analysis of ...
  • Dr. Fintan Stanley
    Irish College of General Practitioners

  • How many diabetic patients are treated by the Hungarian Healthcare System and how? The role of GP...
  • Dr. Katalin Maria Dozsa
    Semmelweis University Budapest

  • Incorporating Environmentally and Climate-Friendly Medication in GP Consultations: Patient Perspe...
  • Dana Neumann
    University Medical Center Göttingen


Coffee Break


Parallel Session L - Freestanding Papers: Technical Support in Practice

Location: Room 1

  • Dr. Andrej Pangerc (Chair)
    Medical faculty, University of Ljubljana

  • A comparative Randomized Trial among different types of low and high power laser therapy, associa...
  • Dr. Mihai Iacob

  • Estimated pulse wave velocity can help in patient selection for ambulatory blood pressure monitor...
  • Dr. János Nemcsik
    Semmelweis University

  • Point-of-care ultrasound for differential diagnosis of dyspnea in primary care: A pilot study
  • Dr. Róbert Kiss-Kovács
    University of Szeged

Parallel Session J - Theme Papers: Mental Health Big Data Studies

Location: Szent-Gyorgyi (A) Lecture Hall

  • Prof. Jean Yves Le Reste (Chair)
    Université de Bretagne Occidentale Faculté de Médecine Department of General Practice Research Te...

  • Benzodiazepine Use and Incident Cancer – A Population-based Cohort Study
  • Dr. Yochai Schonmann
    Clalit Health Services

  • Regional distribution of suicide mortality rates in mainland Portugal: a community perspective fr...
  • Prof. Andreia Maria Bandeira

  • The course of psychological symptoms and the initial management strategies in primary care
  • Dr. Asma Chaabouni
    Radboud University Medical Centre

Parallel Session K - Theme Papers: Care for Vulnerable People

Location: Hevesy (B) Lecture Hall

  • Prof. Pavlo Kolesnyk (Chair)
    Uzhgorod National University, Medical Faculty #2, Family medicine and outpatient care department

  • Internal Medicine physicians’ struggle with family planning and infertility
  • Mr. Isa Egger
    Institute of Primary Health Care (BIHAM), University of Bern

  • The Impact of Earthquake-Induced Migration on Access to Primary Health Care Services: A Case Stud...
  • Ms. Neslişah Temuroğlu

  • Trajectories of resilience in advanced cancer caregiving.
  • Ms. Sophie Opsomer
    KU Leuven & UGent


Summary of the day

Location: Szent-Gyorgyi (A) Lecture Hall

  • Prof. György Purebl (National Keynote Speaker)
    Head of Institute of Behavioural Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Semmelweis University


Chairperson’s Report by EGPRN Chair
  • Dr. Tiny Van Merode (Speaker)
    EGPRN Chair, Maastricht University, General Practice


Presentation of the Poster-Prize for the best poster presented

Location: Szent-Gyorgyi (A) Lecture Hall

  • Prof. Ayse Caylan (Speaker)
    Trakya University, Family medicine


Introduction to the next EGPRN meeting

Location: Szent-Gyorgyi (A) Lecture Hall

  • Prof. Hans Thulesius (Speaker)
    R&D Kronoberg, Clinical Sciences



Location: Szent-Gyorgyi (A) Lecture Hall

Ends at 16:15


Social Night with Dinner, Dance and Music!

Place is limited. Pre-booking online essential. 
The social night will take place on the River Diva boat on the Danube. The boat will depart Kossuth-tér Port, at the Parliament. Please ensure you arrive on time, as being late may result in missing the boat and, consequently, the social night.

After the river cruise, the boat will dock at 22:00. You may disembark at this time if you wish. After 22:00, the music will continue on board until 24:00. Please note that no transport has been arranged to reach the dock. We kindly recommend you to use public transport or call a taxi from your hotel.

Ends at 22:00


EGPRN EB Meeting

Only for members of the Executive Board. 
Three Corners Lifestyle Hotel
09:30 - 12:00 

Ends at 10:00
