Pre-conference Workshop 2

The Principles of Qualitative Research 

Thursday, 17th October, 09:30 - 12:30

  • Prof. Hilde Bastiaens, University of Antwerp Faculty of Medicine Department of Primary and Interdisciplinary Care, Belgium. 
    Prof. Bastianens is a a GP in Belgium nad has been performing and teaching qualitative research for over 15 years. She is co-chair of QUALUA (Qualitative Research in Healthcare, UA).
  • Dr. Emillie Op de Beeck, University of Antwerp Faculty of Medicine Department of Primary and Interdisciplinary Care, Belgium. 
    She is a young pharmacist and PhD student who has been doing qualitative research for her PhD.

Qualitative research plays a crucial role in healthcare by providing a deeper understanding of patient experiences, behaviors, and interactions within the healthcare system. It helps uncover the reasons behind patient behaviors, the impact of social and cultural factors on health outcomes, and the complexities of healthcare delivery.

This workshop will provide you with a good introduction to qualitative research in healthcare using a combination of theory and brief practical exercises. We will explore the essential aspects of qualitative research, including its relevance, methodologies, and application in healthcare settings.

By the end of the workshop, you will have gained basic knowledge on how to set up and conduct a simple qualitative study: formulating a qualitative research question, principles of sampling, basic information on conducting interviews and focus group discussions, introduction to thematic data analysis. Throughout the workshop core features of good quality and ethical qualitative research will be considered.

This workshop offers knowledge and practical guidance for researchers who are new to qualitative research or have very limited experience.

  • Course Language: English
  • Number of participants limited to 20 persons
  • The workshop is €35 for EGPRN Members and €50 for non-members.
  • If you want to attend the pre-conference workshop, please tick the box on the online registration form.