Pre-conference Workshop 3

How to read a paper: critical appraisal skills for randomised controlled trials papers

Thursday, 17th October, 09:30 - 12:00

  • Prof. Michael Harris, Riga Stradiņš University, Latvia and University of Bath, UK. 
    Prof. Harris has been a family doctor in England for 30 years. He has a special interest in teaching about how to understand research methods and results.

This workshop for primary care researchers will cover:

  • how randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are designed;
  • what to look out for when you are reading an RCT paper in a journal:
  • how to decide what the paper is about;
  • how to assess its quality;
  • how decide whether the results should change your practice.

This will be a very interactive workshop, not a lecture. Don’t worry if your English language skills aren’t great, Prof Harris will make sure that everyone can understand and contribute to the discussions.

There will be about 1 hour of pre-course reading to do.

  • Course Language: English
  • Number of participants limited to 20 persons
  • The workshop is €35 for EGPRN Members and €50 for non-members.
  • If you want to attend the pre-conference workshop, please tick the box on the online registration form.