The influence of the albuminuria screening on the control of risk factors for diabetic kidney disease progression by GPs in the Belgrade region

Marija Glavinić Mijić

Keywords: diabetes, nephropathy, GPs awareness


Diabetes kidney disease(DKD) is a common microvascular complication in people with diabetes, regardless of type, and one of the leading causes of dialysis in the world. The KDIGO initiative from the year 2019. tends to promote screening for kidney disease, including diabetic kidney disease. The efforts to implement screening for DKD in Serbia intensified in 2022., with the campaign among general practitioners in the Primary Healthcare Centers that consisted of several educational events throughout the entire country, including the City of Belgrade. This study aims to assess the effect of the mentioned campaign on controlling the risk factors for disease progression in the City of Belgrade.

Research questions:

1. Is there a difference in the risk factor control before and after the educational campaign on screening for chronic kidney disease?
2. Is there a difference in prescribing the reno-protective medications before and after the educational intervention?


The research will be conducted in 8 Primary Healthcare centres(PHCs) in Belgrade, in the departments for diabetes care or prevention. In this retrospective study, researchers will gather the data from the electronic medical records of the 400 patients per centre with diabetes screened for albuminuria, in two periods- 6 months before the screening started and 18 to 24 months after it. They will collect the social-demographic characteristics of the participants, type and duration of the disease, the presence of diabetes complications, Hba1c and glycaemia, lipids, and blood pressure levels, albuminuria presence/absence, creatinine, eGFR, smoking status, BMI and waist circumference, the amount of physical activity. The information about prescribed ACEI/ARB and SGLT2i and statins/antilipemic medications will also be gathered. The data will be compared according to the research questions.
Including criteria: diabetes type 2 in any stage, type 1 diabetes with 5 years duration or longer.


No results yet.


No results yet.

Points for discussion:

Assessment of the effect of the screening on awareness of the GPs of their role in stopping the progression of DKD- is there any change and in what direction?

What are the “weak spots” for the GPs in better risk factors control and did their performance in this field change after they`ve started screening?

Were the GPs aware of all the protective effects of certain drug classes before the campaign and is there any difference now?
