Pre-conference Workshop 2

Evidence-Based Clinical Practice

Thursday, 9th May, 15:00 - 16:30

  • Bruno Heleno, GP, PhD
  • Catarina Viegas Dias, GP, MSc in clinical research
  • Samuel Gomes, GP
  • Catarina Santos, GP

Clinicians frequently generate questions in their practice but often struggle to find evidence-based answers. This workshop addresses common barriers to evidence-based practice, focusing on efficient skills for everyday clinical scenarios. It follows the Evidence-based practice 5-step approach: ask, acquire, appraise, apply, and audit. The workshop is hands-on, starting with formulating searchable questions and progressing to optimizing evidence search, emphasizing pre-appraised resources and practical application.

Formulate searchable clinical questions (PICO structure).
Distinguish types of clinical questions.
Identify evidence-based medicine resources.
Develop efficient search strategies.
Apply evidence to clinical scenarios.

  • Number of participants limited to 20 persons. 
  • Each module of the workshop is €35 for EGPRN Member and €50 for non-members. 
  • If you want to attend the pre-conference workshop, please tick the box on the online registration form.